How cultures articulate death is rather interesting. Gravestones, funerary art, shrines and memorials say more about the culture they originate from than the people they represent.
I walk past this gravestone pretty much everyday. The skull and bones caught my eye. I like the typography and the worn feel with the lichen looking like it has been spray painted on to accentuate the effect. It resides in a park that was formerly a burial ground attached to a church. As is custom for former burial grounds, the gravestones are moved to mark the boundaries of the park. Many people don't notice them. I think it is rather nice that they remain, a reminder if not of the person whose headstone it was but as a marker to a former use and time.
Apart from the impact of weather and nature, this gravestone has not changed much over the years. Yesterday evening it had acquired a rather lovely motif. It was dressed with a colourful skull knitted bunting. Very 'Day of the Dead'.