Kick starting interestingness

Last week I went to Cardigan in West Wales for the day. It was a bit of a schlep from London – but definitely worth it.

What was I doing in Wales? I was learning how to be interesting. This was something that my wife found most amusing. I spent a great day in the company of Russell Davies and 14 other folks, taking part in a workshop hosted by the Do Workshop on how to be interesting.

As a long time follower of Russell’s blog and having seen him speak a couple of times I thought it were not to be missed. Practical workshops such this one are right up my straße – far better than some dry old conference.

Am I my interesting? My wife is not so sure. I was able to spend a day thinking about how to be creative, how to foster ideas and effectively communicate them. I learnt some new things (some involved spaghetti and marshmallows) and reacquainted myself with some habits I had grown lazy with.

I have taken up the challenge from Mr Davies and set myself some goals.

It seems the 1st July is a good day to start and this post can be my entry for this week, with a picture to follow. I have purchased a scrapbook and shot a few minutes film. A promising start and I know it will be hard to keep the momentum going (especially with two kids under 3). But let’s see how it goes.